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McTimoney Chiropractor: What is McTimoney Chiropractic?

JustGet Chiropractic • Jul 14, 2021

Mctimoney Chiropractor: What is McTimoney Chiropractic?

This is a safe and gentle form of whole-body correction that works well alongside our soft tissue therapy and rehab exercise plans. This combined approach enables us to tackle your discomfort with a multi-level approach which, in our experience, gains the best results.

Our adjustments are gentle to receive which is great news when you’re in pain, and highly effective in reducing pain and increasing mobility. Our approach has helped many patients return to a healthy lifestyle and meet their wellness goals.

Our patients notice significant improvements from our approach, whether the pain has come on suddenly or been persistent over a period of time. Whilst chiropractic is best known for back pain, this is not the only thing we address – many of our patients come to us for help with neck or shoulder pain, hip aches, ankle or wrist issues, sporting injuries, pinched nerves and chronic posture issues and sometimes a general feeling of being out of balance or not being able to move as freely and easily as they would like.

Short and long term care plans are available and we teach you a comprehensive self-management toolkit which enhances and progresses your recovery. Our ongoing packages of care may be used to help you maintain good posture, promote health and improve your performance no matter what it is you do, from high performance athlete to a senior member of the community wanting to enjoy gentle exercise or gardening without pain.

So if you are struggling with pain that won’t go away, perhaps your pain is starting to limit your daily routine and the most basic activities are now becoming difficult, book a consultation with us today and let us help get you moving again.
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Company Services - Designed for companies, groups and individuals.
By JustGet Chiropractic 02 Aug, 2021
Designed for companies, groups and individuals. Face-to-face and virtual health and wellness services to help your employees look after themselves.
By JustGet Chiropractic 14 Jul, 2021
V-Care is a remote service that allows us to assess you and determine why you might be experiencing pain or restricted movement. We are able to provide you with posture advice, exercises and environmental advice to help improve your flexibility and mobility, or increase strength if that is what is needed. One of our Practitioners will conduct a thorough assessment via video call with you and a personalised mobilisation prescription is created. We monitor your progress and update your plan with 2 further calls spread over a 2 week period. Why would I want this? Our V-Care plans offer a package of care delivered remotely, which make them perfect if you can't get into clinic or are currently unable to attend, are not local to our Practice, or are seeking a more self-care approach to your health. This offers you a way to get an assessment from one of our Practitioners and self-management guidance that can start to help you. V-Care - All for £97 Take advantage of virtual care packages with JustGet Chiropractic. Online appointments are here to stay. Use our 2-week remote service if you can't or don't want to be seen in clinic right now.
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