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What to expect, at JustGet Chiropractic

JustGet Chiropractic • Jul 14, 2021

We offer services for companies, groups and individuals

At your consultation appointment we'll take a detailed medical history and test a few things before we begin the hands-on part of the session (we aim to start your treatment at the first session although there are a small number of cases where this might not be possible due to medical conditions). 

At your first follow up we explain to you our findings, our proposed plan of care and answer any questions that you may have. From this point forward we encourage you to take an active role in your recovery and will discuss exercises and lifestyle changes that will help you progress. In our experience those who carry out such self care are those who make the quickest recovery and are less likely to have the problem reoccur.

Consultation & Initial Treatment: £75 
Follow ups: £45 - £65
Packages of care are available

If you need to cancel an appointment please ensure you give us at least 24 hours notice. We know that sometimes there are last minute changes which can't be avoided - that's OK, but please note, we will ask you to pay for your appointment if you continue to cancel with late notice.

We accept all major credit cards and Apple Pay. You'll receive reminders prior to your appointment. 

Please note that the telephone number is a managed service for our practice. Please leave us a message or request a call back and we will call you back promptly.

We are JustGet Chiropractic. Based on Milton Park, Didcot, we offer a professional and friendly service to our patients. At our core is McTimoney chiropractic, a gentle and safe form of adjusting, and our extensive experience of soft tissue work enables us to offer a combined approach that selects the most appropriate methods at each session.

Your pain can take many forms. Whether it's back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, a trapped nerve or something else - Our team can provide a personalised care plan that is tailored to your specific needs. We understand how pain, discomfort and decreased mobility can greatly affect the quality of your life and so we take the time to listen and explain in simple, plain language what we feel is causing the problem. We help you to understand why the discomfort is there and encourage you to take an active role in both your recovery and to reduce the chances of it coming back. 

We monitor your progress carefully and adjust your care plan accordingly

Our high level of service means that during these new and uncharted times you can rest assured that we are taking every precaution to ensure the safety of our patients and practice members. We have increased our already rigorous cleaning protocols and the appropriate PPE is worn by our practitioners. 

We have spaced appointments so that you will not have to wait in public spaces and our onsite facilities offer easy and convenient hand-washing for your use on arrival and departure.

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By JustGet Chiropractic 14 Jul, 2021
V-Care is a remote service that allows us to assess you and determine why you might be experiencing pain or restricted movement. We are able to provide you with posture advice, exercises and environmental advice to help improve your flexibility and mobility, or increase strength if that is what is needed. One of our Practitioners will conduct a thorough assessment via video call with you and a personalised mobilisation prescription is created. We monitor your progress and update your plan with 2 further calls spread over a 2 week period. Why would I want this? Our V-Care plans offer a package of care delivered remotely, which make them perfect if you can't get into clinic or are currently unable to attend, are not local to our Practice, or are seeking a more self-care approach to your health. This offers you a way to get an assessment from one of our Practitioners and self-management guidance that can start to help you. V-Care - All for £97 Take advantage of virtual care packages with JustGet Chiropractic. Online appointments are here to stay. Use our 2-week remote service if you can't or don't want to be seen in clinic right now.
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