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Introducing, Andy!

JustGet Chiropractic • Apr 13, 2021

Andy Attwood

I’m Andy and grew up in the small village of Upchurch on the north Kent coast. I got a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology from Kingston University, London and went on to work on a number of pretty cool projects for a number of well-known telecoms and software companies in Europe and the UK before retraining as a chiropractor in 2013. I got my Masters Degree in Chiropractic from McTimoney College in Abingdon, Oxfordshire and qualified in 2017.

The first part of my chiropractic career was spent working in the community spinal care team with Basingstoke NHS alongside a large practice of GPs. That really opened my eyes to the kind of healthcare work I wanted to do in our own clinical practice in Milton Park and a lot has changed since we first opened our doors in the Innovation Centre in January 2018.

I’ve always had a keen interest in exercise and the body’s ability to handle and adapt to changing physical stresses. One of the areas that I always look at with patients is how you are using your body, which came from studying Alexander Technique. That’s really how I got started in the healthcare profession; I had been working in London for a tech company and commuting by car everyday from Hampshire. Within six months, I couldn’t walk with my entire left leg and left lower back seizing up which is how I found a local Alexander Technique teacher. That led me onto chiropractic and sports massage and a bunch of other things and the rest is sort of history. I say “sort of” as I’m still adding new skills and disciplines like yoga... I just can't stop now that I’ve found my passion in life.

I now combine a wealth of experience in other allied healthcare disciplines into how I work with my patients today. I love to see the changes our patients make and the benefits they secure for themselves.

I work with a range of patients, my youngest is now 9 and my oldest 90 and still going strong. I particularly like working with older patients and sports people of any age or anyone interested in their fitness. I find these people tend to be highly committed to looking after themselves and not just asking for “quick fix”.

What’s coming in 2021? I’m bringing targeted mobility / flexibility stretching to the clinic with Gravity Yoga®. I have a massive interest in personal development and I am launching a business to teach these alongside the clinical practice.

One silly fact about me? In 1999, I qualified as a freefall skydiver in California. Jumping out of the plane was just a surreal experience. I’ve not been able to do it since though as the fear factor of waiting for the plane ride up was just too much and used to bring me out in a cold sweat! I probably should have done something about that, but hindsight really is a wonderful thing. I’m also not sure I’d recommend the physiological effects of deceleration when the canopy (parachute) opens even though it really is exhilarating!
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V-Care is a remote service that allows us to assess you and determine why you might be experiencing pain or restricted movement. We are able to provide you with posture advice, exercises and environmental advice to help improve your flexibility and mobility, or increase strength if that is what is needed. One of our Practitioners will conduct a thorough assessment via video call with you and a personalised mobilisation prescription is created. We monitor your progress and update your plan with 2 further calls spread over a 2 week period. Why would I want this? Our V-Care plans offer a package of care delivered remotely, which make them perfect if you can't get into clinic or are currently unable to attend, are not local to our Practice, or are seeking a more self-care approach to your health. This offers you a way to get an assessment from one of our Practitioners and self-management guidance that can start to help you. V-Care - All for £97 Take advantage of virtual care packages with JustGet Chiropractic. Online appointments are here to stay. Use our 2-week remote service if you can't or don't want to be seen in clinic right now.
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