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JustGet Chiropractic • Apr 13, 2021

Natalie Day MChiro LRCC MMCA MDMTA

I’m Natalie and I settled in Oxfordshire having spent 21 years living in West Kent. I grew up on the North Cornwall coast and attended Falmouth School of Art and Design after A-levels before moving to London and working as a nanny, I then kind of fell into office work.
8 years of corporate career and 3 redundancies later I decided to switch direction and trained in massage therapy in 2002, I then went on to study a number of disciplines before gaining the title Doctor of Chiropractic on graduating from the McTimoney College of Chiropractic in Abingdon.
I had my own clinic in Kent which I ran for 6 years with a team of complementary therapists before relocating to Oxfordshire in 2016. Andy and I opened JustGet on Milton Park in 2018 and that’s when the journey got really exciting.
I spent a year working at the MS Therapy Centre locally supporting patients and carers with chiropractic care and have worked as part of an integrated team with chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists among others over the years.
More recently I’ve developed a particular interest in strength rehab training and working with patients to improve core, back and body strength as part of my care approach. This has led to rapid and significant improvements in strength, balance and mobility for many of my patients and seeing the commitment and determination from them never fails to inspire me.
Away from clinical work I’m a professional artist and exhibit at events around the country. I’m currently undergoing intensive mentoring with the Newlyn School of Art in Cornwall which offers the perfect opportunity for regular visits back to my Cornish homeland. On the days I’m not in clinic you’ll find me in my studio in Bampton working on huge paintings and generally making a good old mess.
Fun fact – when I was 19 I travelled by bus from Cornwall to Scotland to join a tall ship, The Malcom Miller, sailing from Oban to Aberdeen. It was my first trip alone and was as exhilarating as it was scary. Working as part of a 55-strong crew on a 120ft schooner. It was the most amazing experience and it triggered an interest in sailing that eventually led to me co-owning a sailing yacht. I still have the crew smock I wore on the tall ship and wear it in my art studio!
By JustGet Chiropractic 08 Dec, 2021
Company Services - Designed for companies, groups and individuals.
By JustGet Chiropractic 02 Aug, 2021
Designed for companies, groups and individuals. Face-to-face and virtual health and wellness services to help your employees look after themselves.
By JustGet Chiropractic 14 Jul, 2021
V-Care is a remote service that allows us to assess you and determine why you might be experiencing pain or restricted movement. We are able to provide you with posture advice, exercises and environmental advice to help improve your flexibility and mobility, or increase strength if that is what is needed. One of our Practitioners will conduct a thorough assessment via video call with you and a personalised mobilisation prescription is created. We monitor your progress and update your plan with 2 further calls spread over a 2 week period. Why would I want this? Our V-Care plans offer a package of care delivered remotely, which make them perfect if you can't get into clinic or are currently unable to attend, are not local to our Practice, or are seeking a more self-care approach to your health. This offers you a way to get an assessment from one of our Practitioners and self-management guidance that can start to help you. V-Care - All for £97 Take advantage of virtual care packages with JustGet Chiropractic. Online appointments are here to stay. Use our 2-week remote service if you can't or don't want to be seen in clinic right now.
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